We are very excited to share that we have revised our social impact model. Not only have we redesigned it to emphasise even more the place of children at the centre of all our work, we also realised a key element was missing, and that we needed to include our staff teams in order to make the model complete! The professional development of the early years workforce has always been part of our charitable objectives, but we have now included this in our social impact model too.

As a charitable social enterprise, instead of focusing on creating a profit, Acorn is able to keep children at the heart of everything it does and focus on creating social impact, that works towards our vision of a more caring and connected society. Find out more about each of our social impact segments in the link below:

Acorn's Social Impact Model

Watch our CEO, Zoe Raven introducing our revised social impact model:

You can also read our latest blog piece written by Zoe, to find out more! Click here.