We are so proud to share that our Westcroft nursery has achieved their 2023 Eco-Schools Green Flag Award, with distinction!

This award is an international accreditation that recognises young people's environmental actions! The programme itself empowers and engages young people (as well as staff teams and therefore families) in important environmental issues, teaches great responsibility and generates a sense of community, as well as develops the skills and knowledge children need to play an active role in protecting our environment now and throughout their lifetimes!


Congratulations to all the children and the staff at the nursery and a big well done to their eco-lead Hannah for leading sustainable initiatives so wonderfully at Westcroft nursery, and for helping the nursery to achieve this award for the second year in a row!

Snippets from Eco-Schools' feedback:

"We love the range of activities that you and your Eco-Committee planned for delivery. The fact that they cover both indoor (recycling bins and plants in every room, and using wet bags instead of nappy sacks) and outdoor (regular litter-picks, growing fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers, promoting outdoor learning and the Great British Spring Clean) activities is excellent!"

"We loved reading about how you had incorporated learning about global issues into such key Early Years topics as Understanding the World, Expressive Arts & Design, Communication & Language and Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Great work!"

To read more about Acorn's eco approach, click here